Wednesday, February 3, 2016


In the Disney channel series, Phineas and Ferb, Perry the Platapus was the pet of the Flynn-Fletcher family. His status a pet was a cover for his real job as a secret agent for the O.W.C.A. (Organization Without a Cool Acronym). His supervisor was Major Monogram, and his arch nemesis was Dr. Heinz Doofenschmirtz. When in secret agent mode, he wore a brown hat. He didn't speak, but occasionally made a chattering noise.

Perry is a surname that has English and Welsh origins. The English meaning is 'pear tree', and the Welsh meaning is 'son of Herry', which in Welsh is 'ap Herry'. Herry is a medieval form of Henry. In 2014, 146 boys and 68 girls were named Perry in the U.S.

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