Monday, October 26, 2015


In Disney's Wreck-It Ralph, Fix-It Felix Jr was the hero of the video game Fix-It Felix Jr. He had a magical hammer he got from his father. He used it to fix the Nicelander's homes after they were wrecked by the game's bad guy, Ralph. When Ralph left the game to try and win a medal, Felix went after him. He joined up with Sergeant Tamora Calhoun from Hero's Duty to track him down in the game Sugar Rush. In the process, Felix gained a new appreciation for Ralph's role in his game, and he fell in love with Sergreant Calhoun. The two were later married, with Ralph serving as Felix's best man.

In Wizards of Waverly Place, Felix was a member of Justin Russo's delinquent wizard class. Felix was able to remove the great wizard Rinaldi's wand from a crystal ball, something only a descendant of the wizard could do. Gorog the King of Darkness stole Felix's wand and used it to bring him over to the dark side. When the Russo's defeated Gorog, Felix became good again.

In Lilo & Stitch: The Series, Felix was an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba. He was also referred to as Experiment 010 and Oscar. He was originally designed to be a neat-freak and keep everything clean to the point that even people were germs that needed to be sterilized. He was reprogrammed to recycle things.

In Kim Possible, Felix Renton was a friend on Kim and Ron. He was disabled and used a wheel chair. He lived video games, basketball, and was class valedictorian. He assisted Team Possible on two different missions.

In Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Felix Blake was a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. and one of his Coulson's superiors before he became director.

The name Felix is a Latin word that means 'happy, lucky.' In 2014, Felix was the 267th most popular name for boys in the United States. The name was also given to 5 girls.

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