Wednesday, July 6, 2016


In Pixar's Ratatouille, Colette Tatou was a chef at Gusteau's restaurant. She was very tough, and insisted that she had to be to get to where she was because professional cooking was still very much a man's world. She took Linguini under her wing, and wanted him to succeed, and felt betrayed when Remy forced him to ignore her advice. When Linguini revealed that Remy was the true talent behind his dishes, she was the only one of the chefs to return to help him. After Gusteau's was shut down, she worked with Alfredo and Remy at La Ratatouille.

In ABC's Once Upon a Time, Colette was the mother of Belle. Belle got her love of books from her mother. Colette was killed in an ogre attack on their castle, while protecting Belle.

In Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure, Colette was one of Lady & Tramp's puppies.

Colette is a French name derived from the Greek Nicholas, which means 'people of victory'. In 2015, Colette was the 531st most popular girl's name in the U.S.

Check out this list of Ratatouille Pet Names.
Check out this list of Lady & The Tramp Pet Names.
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