Wednesday, June 24, 2015


There are several Disney characters that share the name Milo. Milo Thatch was the main character in Atlantis: The Lost Empire, and Atlantis: Milo's Return. In the first movie, he led an expedition to find the lost city of Atlantis, which he succeeded in doing. In the sequel, he married the Princess Kidagakash and later became King of Atlantis.

In the Disney channel tv series Fish Hooks, Milo Fishtooth was a wild and crazy party guy... er fish.

In the tv series, Pepper Ann, Milo Kamalani was an artist who is best friends with Pepper Ann and Nicky.

The protagonist of the movie Mars Needs Moms was also named Milo. Milo wished he didn't have a mother, and then later, his mother was abducted by Martians. He teamed up with Gribble and Ki, and they rescued the Moms.

Milo is a Germanic form of the Latin miles, which means 'soldier'. Milo re-entered the top 1,000 names in 2001 after a 36 year absence. It has since climbed to #311 in 2014.

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