Monday, June 29, 2015


In Pixar's Inside Out, Riley Anderson was a twelve year old girl whose mind provided the setting for most of the action of the movie. Her emotions, Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Fear, and Anger, helped her through a difficult time in her life.

In Disney Channel's Girl Meets World, Riley Matthews is the daughter of Cory and Topanga Matthews. She has a little brother named August, and her best friend is Maya. She has a crush on Lucas, and her father is her teacher.

In Marvel's Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Riley was the wingman of Sam Wilson, aka Falcon. Like Sam, Riley was a test pilot for the EXO-7 Falcon pack. Riley was killed in action.

In the Disney Channel television series, The Wizards of Waverly Place, Riley was a baseball player that Alex Russo had a crush on.

In The Replacements, also a Disney Channel television show, Riley Eugene Daring was one of the main characters. She and her brother Todd were orphans. They ordered a FleemCo phone, which they used to replace their parents and any other adult they didn't like.

Riley is an Irish surname, whose meaning is unknown. In 2014, it ranked at #173 for boys, and #47 for girls in the U.S.

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